It's Supernatural! School of Ministry

An online learning experience that will equip you to live a naturally supernatural life.

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New Course!

In our six-part course, The Power of Imagination by Chad Gonzales, you will learn how to harness the power of your imagination in order to...

  • Fulfill your divine assignments.
  • Walk in supernatural healing.
  • Live out your true identity in Jesus.

Get Priority Access for only $29 (usually $99)
*Offer ends October 25th*


Featured Blog Article

God is not done with you!

God has woven a unique dream and destiny into the fabric of your being, but the enemy is relentless in his efforts to derail you, often using trauma to distort your path. Trauma affects us all, often making us feel unworthy, unwanted, or even like a mistake – but there is hope. God’s heart is to heal the broken-hearted and breathe life back into your dreams. This article will help you discover how to break free from the past and step into the future God has planned for you.